1. the role of ngos as civil society control in corruption eradication in north bengkulu regency 2. capturing social capital though bandung city community index arragment and development 3. con…
1. the role of self mangement in increasing subjective well-being of DKI Jakarta's citizens 2. doctor-patient communication and preferred terms of address: respect and kinship system (A pragmatic …
1. Kemandirian dalam format ekonomi baru. 2. Kedaulatan Pangan dalm sistem Perekonomian Nasional. 3. Ekonomi PancaSila : Konsepsi dan Praksis. 4. Ekonomi Syariah di Indonesia. 5. Pemikiran Ekon…
1. Kemandirian dalam format ekonomi baru 2. kedaulatan pangan dalam sistem perekonomian nasional 3.ekonomi pancasila: konsepsi dan praksis 4. ekonomi syariah di Indonesia 5. pemikiran ekonomi …
1. The role of NGOs as civil society control in corruption eradication in north bengkulu regency. 2. Capturing social capital through Bandung city community index arrangement and development. 3. …
1. Ecological restoration in protected area of peat swamp forest as an effort to build socio-ecological resilience in sebangau national park central kalimantan, Indonesia 2. Regulatory reform on h…
1. Political budget cycles at subnational level: evidence from the indonesian simultaneous regional election in 2015 2. Actualization of checks and balances between executive, legislative and judi…
1. Penyusunan model pendugaan pola produktivitas bulanan kelapa sawit berdasarkan jeluk dan hari hujan 2. Efek kekeringan dan gangguan asap terhadap ekofisiologi dan produktivitas tanaman kelapa s…
1. morfosintaksis nominal dan kala bahasa skou 2. penamaan pulau-pulaukecil di kabupaten pulau morotai berdasarkan kajian toponimi dan persepsi etnolinguistik 3. proses akuisisi bahasa pada anak…
1. cultivation of uncucultured bacteria of the class ktedonobacteria in the phylum chloroflexy 2. modification of gold nanoparticles at carbon electrodes and the applications for arsenic (III) det…