1. Gauging the impact of community university engagement initiatives in india 2. Exploring the motivation toward and perceived usefulness of a financial education: program offered to low-income wo…
1. Penafsiran mou helsinki terkait keberadaan calon independen dalam kaitan makna otonomi khusus di aceh 2. Peninjauan kembali dalam perkara pidana yang berkeadilan dan berkepastian hukum 3. Sah …
1. Growing An International Movement Fort Plant Conservation and Plant Resource Management: The Development of The International Botanic Garden Community. 2. Types of Dichogamy, Breeding Systems a…
1. Pengelolaan Presensi dan Gaji Asisten Lab Berbasis Web Di Fasilkom Universitas Mercu Buana. 2. Analisa Pemilihan Kualitas Android Jelly Bean Dengan Menggunakan Metode AHP Pendekatan MCDM. …