1. Deforestation in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Sumatra, indonesia 2. Study of Pteridophyte Diversity and vegetation Analysis in Jatikerep Legonlele and Nymaplung, Karimunjawa Island Cent…
1. pupal acoustic behaviour of troides helena(linnaeus, 1758) (lepidoptera: PAPILIONIDAE) from west java, Indonesia 2. pengaruh modifikasi KH2PO4, NH4NO3 san sukrosa terhadap pertumbuhan tunas ser…
1. adaptasi ekofioslogi terhadap iklim tropis kering: studi anatomi daun sepuluh jenis tumbuhan berkayu 2. utilization of garlic with and without addition of enzymes on black-capped lory (lorius l…
1. Distribution Paterns of the morphology, species, and sex in the stingray species complex of himantura uarnak, himantura undulata, and himantura leopasrda in indonesia 2. Multilocus Sequence Ana…
1. Keabsahan Perubahan dan Penambahan Peraturan Hukum Pidan Melalui PERPPU Dan PERMA 2. Sistem Pembebanan Pembuktian Terbalik pada Tindak Pidana Korupsi 3. Understanding Differental Association …
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand