1. Pengaruh Pemberian Variasi pH terhadap Produksi Trigliserida Total dan Komposisi Asam Lemak dari Chlorella Vulgaris Air Tawar ; Rahmadani Wulandari, Abdi Dharma, Syafrizayanti Syafrizayanti. 2.…
1. Effects of Chlorella sp. Additions on the Changes of Visceral Mass and Proximate Contents of Shellfish ; Clara Dhisa Sumunaring Ratna, Trijoko Trijoko. 2. The Growth of Shoot Cutting of Ant-nes…
1. Reading Speed of PBSI Students of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta ; Elvi Susanti. 2. Wordplay and World-Play: The Minima Visibilia in The Construction of Linguistic Sciences ; Emad Abd Elkaree…