1. Independency of Elasticity on Residual Stress of Room Temperature Rolled Stainless 304 Plates for Structure Materials 2. Improving Renewable Energy Transition Acceptance: A Simulation Gaming A…
1. Face and politeness phenomena in the changing china 2. Instrumen sosial masyarakat karangmumus kota samarinda dalam penanganan sampah domestik 3. Kemiskinan multidimensi
1. The manufacturing-services dynamic in economic development 2. Technology, offshoring and the task content of occupations in the united kingdom 3. ICTs and labour productivity growth in sub-sah…
Pengaruh corporate governance, profitabilitas, likuiditas dan solvabilitas terhadap corporate social responsibility desclosure Pengaruh manajemen modal kerja terhadap profitabilitas pada usaha kec…
1. Pengaruh Advanced Image Interactivity Technology (Augmented Reality) Terhadap Purchase intention Konsumen Dalam Kontek Oneline Apparel Shopping. 2. Pengaruh Peer Communication Melalui Sosial M…