1. An emerging transnational industrial relations? Exploring the prospects for cross-border labour bargaining 2. Positive class compromise in globalized production? The Freedom of Association Prot…
1. Modeling high dimensional asset pricing returns using a dynamic skewed copula model 2. Venture capital and corporate innovation input from the perspective of syndicated investment 3. Capital r…
1. Smarter indicators for decent work in a post-2015 development agenda: A proposal 2. Social upgrading in globalized production: the case of the textile and clothing industry 3. Out of the shado…
1. analysis of spillover effects between stock market volatility and macroeconomic volatility using GARCH-MIDAS model 2. the cost channel of monetary policy and inflation behavior in china 3. is …
1. the effects of social capital for the management of environment cleqanliness in adipura programme 2. public policy in managing modern stores for community development 3. regional autonomy and…
1. Ecological restoration in protected area of peat swamp forest as an effort to build socio-ecological resilience in sebangau national park central kalimantan, Indonesia 2. Regulatory reform on h…
1. Child labour measurement: whom should we ask? 2. Remittance and labour market outcomes: Evididence from mexico. 3. Are labour inspections effective when labour regulations vary according to th…
1.A study of the life course of school principals 2. The teachers function as a selfobject 3.imperial japanese army at the positions of zakimi gusuku( castle) in okinawa 4. fushimi as a stage o…
1. Pengembangan Modul Prototipe Bahan Ajar Cetak Mata Kuliah Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup pada Pendidikan Terbuka dan jarak Jauh: Studi Kasus di Universitas Terbuka. 2. Pelaksanaan Pendidikan madra…
1. Penyerdehanaan Partai Politik Sebagai Upaya Penguat Sistem Presidensial di Indonesia. 2. Pengalihan Resiko Gugatan Konsumen Melalui Mekanisme Asuransi Tanggung Jawab Produk. 3. Analisa Pengaru…
1. Pengaruh (Agreement On Trade Related Aspects Of Intelectual Property Right (Trips), Including Trade in Counterfeit Goods Pembentukan Undang - undang Rahasia Dagang. 2. Perjanjian Sewa Beli M…
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand